
Tailored Engagement to Power Your AI Ambitions

Explore diverse pathways that champion collaboration, flexibility, and your unique objectives.

Our engagement models encompass a broad spectrum of collaboration. Whether you seek advisory prowess, dedicated development, or transformative shifts, we align with your vision and values. Dive into our offerings.

Consultative Model

The Consultative Model is an advisory approach where the service provider not only develops and implements solutions but also offers expert advice to address specific client challenges. This model prioritizes understanding the client’s business environment, needs, and objectives, ensuring tailor-made solutions.


  • Expert Guidance: Clients get insights and advice based on industry best practices and the service provider’s expertise.
  • Customized Solutions: Solutions are tailored to the unique needs and challenges of the client.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular reviews and feedback loops ensure evolving solutions that align with changing business landscapes.


  • Requires Close Collaboration: The model’s success is based on strong communication between the client and service provider.
  • Time-Intensive: Detailed discussions and analyses can extend timelines.
  • Cost Factor: Expert advisory services might be priced higher than standard services due to the added value provided.


The Consultative Model is best suited for businesses that are looking for expert advice along with development services. It’s ideal for projects with evolving scopes or for businesses entering new markets or undergoing significant transformations and need strategic input.

Fixed Price Model

In the Fixed Price Model, the scope of work, timeline, and the total price are defined and agreed upon before the project begins. This model is often selected for projects with a well-defined scope and clear requirements.


  • Predictable Budget: Clients know the cost upfront, making budgeting easier.
  • Lower Risk: With clear terms set at the outset, there’s limited risk of cost overruns.
  • Clear Milestones: Progress can be easily tracked against predefined deliverables and timelines.


  • Rigidity: Changes in scope can lead to renegotiations or additional costs.
  • Less Flexibility: Adapting to new requirements or changes might be challenging.
  • Detailed Requirement Analysis: An in-depth requirement analysis is crucial to avoid misunderstandings.


The Fixed Price Model is recommended for projects where requirements, scope, and deliverables are clear and unlikely to change. It’s especially suited for short-term projects or pilot projects where the organization wants to test the waters before diving into a more extensive engagement.

Time & Material Model

In the Time & Material Model, clients are billed based on the actual time and resources utilized for the project. This model offers flexibility in terms of scope adjustments, requirements, and changes throughout the project’s lifecycle.


  • Flexibility: Allows for changes in project scope and requirements.
  • Transparent Billing: Clients are billed for actual work done, ensuring transparency.
  • Better Quality: The flexible nature means that quality isn’t compromised to meet fixed costs.


  • Uncertain Costs: The final project cost can vary based on actual hours worked.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Requires active monitoring and management to keep the project within budget.
  • Potential for Scope Creep: Without careful management, the project’s scope can expand, leading to increased costs.


This model is recommended for projects where the scope is not clearly defined at the beginning, or for longer-term projects where requirements might evolve. It’s ideal for complex projects where flexibility and adaptability are crucial.

Dedicated Team Model

The Dedicated Team Model establishes a partnership where the client hires a team of professionals dedicated exclusively to their project. This team acts as an extension of the client’s in-house team, operating under the client’s management and processes. The service provider is responsible for administrative support, infrastructure, and resource management.


  • Seamless Integration: The dedicated team integrates closely with the client’s in-house team, ensuring smooth communication and collaboration.
  • Flexibility: Easily scale the team up or down based on project needs.
  • Focus on Core Competencies: Clients can focus on core business activities while the dedicated team handles specific project tasks.
  • Cost-Efficient: Reduction in hiring and infrastructure costs.


  • Management Responsibility: Requires active involvement from the client in terms of team management and task assignment.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Typically suited for long-term projects due to the investment in forming and training the team.
  • Cultural & Time Zone Differences: If the team is offshore, there may be cultural and time zone challenges that need to be managed.


The Dedicated Team Model is ideal for long-term projects or businesses looking to augment their in-house capabilities without the hassle of hiring and training. It’s especially suitable for projects with dynamic requirements or when the client wishes to have better control over the development process.

Build-Operate-Transfer Model

The B.O.T model involves three primary phases:

  • Build: The service provider establishes and equips the facility.
  • Operate: The facility operates under the management of the service provider, ensuring that the client’s objectives are met.
  • Transfer: After a predetermined period or once specific conditions are met, the complete ownership and operations of the facility are transferred to the client.


  • Risk Mitigation: Allows companies to set up operations offshore with reduced risks, as the initial setup and operation are handled by a local service provider.
  • Time & Cost Efficiency: Rapid scaling and operational readiness without immediate heavy investment.
  • Market Knowledge: Benefit from the service provider’s local market expertise during the build and operate phases.
  • Gradual Transition: Ownership is transferred once the operation is stable.


  • Long-term Commitment: Typically requires a longer commitment than other engagement models.
  • Initial Dependency: Reliance on the service provider during the build and operate phases.
  • Transition Phase: The transfer phase can be challenging, requiring detailed planning and execution to ensure seamless transition.


The B.O.T model is perfect for businesses looking to establish a long-term presence in a new market or region, especially when they are not familiar with local regulations, culture, or market dynamics. It provides an opportunity to ‘test the waters’ before making a full-fledged commitment.

Offshore Development Center (ODC) Model

An ODC is an extended, dedicated, and integrated part of the client’s own engineering/development team, located offshore. Here, the service provider takes on the responsibility of setting up the dedicated infrastructure, recruiting the required talent, and managing the operations. Clients leverage ODC for enhanced operational flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and access to a diverse talent pool.


  • Cost-Efficiency: Significant cost savings due to lower operational and labor costs in offshore locations.
  • Access to Talent: Taps into global talent, ensuring expertise and specialized skills are available for projects.
  • Scalability: Offers flexibility to ramp up or down based on the project requirements.
  • Dedicated Teams: Ensures undivided attention and focus on your projects, leading to better quality and faster delivery.
  • Infrastructure and Tech: ODCs come equipped with the latest technology and infrastructure, reducing the investment needed from the client’s side.
  • Time Zone Advantage: Allows for a continuous work cycle benefiting from different time zones, especially beneficial for tasks requiring 24/7 support or monitoring.


  • Communication: Ensuring clear communication channels are vital to mitigate misunderstandings and ensure smooth workflow.
  • Cultural Differences: Understanding and adapting to cultural differences can be crucial for team cohesion.
  • Security and Compliance: Ensuring the ODC follows strict security protocols and compliance standards, especially when dealing with sensitive information.
  • Transition and Onboarding: Proper transition planning and onboarding processes are critical to integrate the ODC with the client’s primary operations seamlessly.


The ODC model is ideal for companies seeking to expand their development capabilities without incurring the costs and responsibilities of setting up an in-house team or physical expansion. It’s particularly beneficial for long-term projects where continuous development, support, or evolution is anticipated.

Retainer Model

In the Retainer Model, clients retain the services of the service provider for a specified period. This means they pay a fixed fee regularly (e.g., monthly) to ensure that a dedicated team or set of resources is available to them when needed. The retainer can cover a set number of hours or tasks each period. It’s like having an extended team without the overheads of hiring and maintaining an in-house team.


  • Predictable Budgeting: Regular fixed costs allow for better financial planning.
  • Access to Expertise: Clients have ongoing access to expertise without having to hire in-house.
  • Flexibility: The model offers the flexibility to ramp up or scale down based on the project’s evolving needs.
  • Priority Service: Retained clients often get priority service over non-retained clients.


  • Long-Term Commitment: It often requires a longer-term commitment, which might not be ideal for all businesses.
  • Overhead Costs: If not utilized well, the retainer could result in overhead costs for the client.


This model is ideal for businesses that foresee an ongoing need for services over an extended period. It’s especially relevant for tasks that require regular maintenance or updates, like content creation, software maintenance, or digital marketing campaigns.

Hybrid Model

The Hybrid Model is a combination of two or more engagement models tailored to best fit the specific requirements and constraints of a project. For instance, a project might begin with a Fixed Price agreement for its initial phase, then shift to a Time & Material model for phases requiring flexibility, and finally move to a Retainer Model for ongoing support and maintenance. This model is adaptable and can be customized according to the evolving needs of a project.


  • Flexibility: Combines the advantages of multiple models to cater to varied project phases or components.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Allows clients to optimize costs at different stages of the project.
  • Risk Mitigation: By using different models for different project phases, it reduces potential risks associated with sticking to a single engagement model.
  • Adaptability: Can be easily adapted to changing requirements or unforeseen challenges.


  • Complexity: Managing transitions between models might require careful planning and clear communication.
  • Contracts: Contracts may need to be revisited and renegotiated during the transitions.
  • Clarity: It’s vital to ensure all stakeholders have a clear understanding of which model applies at which phase and the implications therein.


This model is suitable for complex projects with phases that have varied requirements or for projects where there’s uncertainty about the later stages. It’s also beneficial for clients who want to start with a pilot or a proof of concept before fully committing.

Benefits of our engagement models

Our engagement models at are crafted to provide you with unparalleled benefits, tailored to enhance your project’s success and business growth:

  • Strategic Alignment: Each model is a pathway to align our solutions precisely with your business goals for impactful results.

  • Cost Transparency: Budget predictability and clear financial planning are central, ensuring smart investment and value for money.

  • Scalability: Adapt and scale effortlessly with our flexible models, designed to meet the evolving needs of your projects.

  • Expert Solutions: Access to specialized expertise guarantees that every solution is fine-tuned to your unique challenges.

  • Long-Term Value: Our approach is designed to deliver enduring value, paving the way for sustained growth and innovation.

  • Risk Management: Minimize potential risks with our carefully structured models, ensuring a secure route to project completion.

  • Partnership Focus: More than service, we offer partnership, going above and beyond to ensure your enduring success.


Success Stories

Delve into transformative tales from our partners. Discover how our varied engagement avenues have paved paths to AI-driven success stories.


Your queries mirror our learnings. Traverse our answers to frequently posed questions about our engagement frameworks. Enlightening you is our prerogative.

Our engagement models include Consultative, Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), Fixed Bid, Time & Materials (T&M), Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), Offshore Development Center (ODC), Retainer, and Hybrid Models. Each is designed to meet diverse project requirements and client preferences.

The choice of engagement model depends on your project's size, complexity, duration, and flexibility needs. Our experts can help you choose the most suitable model based on these factors and your specific business objectives.

Yes, we offer flexibility to switch between engagement models to accommodate changing project demands, ensuring that our collaboration remains efficient and productive.

The FTE model is ideal for long-term projects with ongoing needs, where you pay for a full-time expert's services. The Fixed Bid model is best for projects with well-defined scopes and deliverables, where you pay a single fixed price for the entire project.

Our Retainer Model involves a monthly fee for a set amount of hours or services, providing you with on-demand expertise and prioritized service allocation, ensuring continuous project progress.

Yes, the BOT model is often well-suited for startups as it allows them to start operations with a partner's resources and gradually transition to an independent entity.

We ensure success by providing a dedicated team, infrastructure, and resources exclusively for your project, with high standards of security and process control.

The Hybrid Model combines the best features of other models, offering flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to scale up or down as required.

Commitment lengths can vary based on the chosen model. Some models, like T&M or Retainer, may offer more flexibility with shorter-term commitments.

We prioritize client confidentiality and intellectual property protection across all engagement models with strict non-disclosure agreements and secure project management practices.

Absolutely. We can work with you to create a customized engagement model that fits your project's specific requirements and strategic goals.

Post-project completion, we offer various support and maintenance models to ensure that your solution remains up-to-date and continues to perform optimally.

Identified the engagement that resonates? Forge ahead with us. Reach out and catalyze your AI expedition.