
A sports Tech company

Automated Candidate Screening for a Sports Tech Company

Generative AI


Business Impact
Screen Time Reduction
Cut down screening time by 80%, allowing HR to focus on engagement.
Improved Candidate Quality
Enhanced the success rate of hiring with better shortlisted candidates.
Data-Driven Decisions
Empowered the HR team with insights for effective pipeline management


Our client faced a formidable challenge in their recruitment process due to the high volume of applications received for every job posting. The manual screening process was labor-intensive, inconsistent, and prone to biases which often led to suboptimal hires and a lengthy hiring cycle causing potential candidates to lose interest. stepped in with a solution leveraging their expertise in Generative AI to streamline and enhance the quality of the recruitment process.



Volume of Applications: A high volume of applications per job posting overwhelmed HR staff.

Screening Efficiency: The manual process was time-consuming, leading to long hiring cycles.

Consistency and Bias: Manual screenings were inconsistent and prone to unconscious biases.

Candidate Experience: The slow process risked losing high-quality candidates to competitors.

Quality of Hire: There was difficulty in accurately identifying the best candidates for roles.

Technologies Used



Generative AI Screening: Developed an AI screening tool with learning capabilities for consistent evaluations.

Enhanced Workflow Interface: Provided a streamlined workflow for the HR team with actionable insights.

Bias Mitigation: Incorporated algorithms to promote diversity and reduce bias.



Screening Time Reduction: Cut down screening times by 80%, allowing HR to focus on engagement.

Improved Candidate Quality: Enhanced the success rate of hiring with better shortlisted candidates.

Agile Recruitment Process: Decreased the candidate drop-off rate with a faster hiring cycle.

Data-Driven Decisions: Empowered the HR team with insights for effective pipeline management.

Founder@Sports Tech Company
The Nebula9 team has provided us with an AI tool that not only meets our high standards for recruitment but exceeds them. Their solution has been a catalyst for change within our organization, delivering results that speak volumes. The efficiency and insight brought to our recruitment process have been nothing short of transformative.

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