
A sports Tech company

AI-Driven Job Posting Creation



Business Impact
Increased Applicant Pool
Broader and more qualified candidate applications received.
Enhanced Brand Representation
Job postings consistently conveyed the innovative edge of the company, enhancing the employer brand.
Improved Candidate Fit
Higher quality of hire with candidates that align with the company’s culture and skill requirements.

Problem Context

Faced with the challenge of scaling their team rapidly to meet growing market demand, Our client needed to enhance their hiring process to attract top talent across a wide range of roles, from technical positions like AI engineers and back-end developers to strategic roles such as product managers and scrum masters. The goal was to craft compelling, inclusive, and SEO-optimized job postings that could reach a diverse candidate pool and reflect the company’s innovative culture.



Diverse Skill Requirements: Need for varied roles across technical and non-technical domains.

Brand Voice Consistency: Maintaining a consistent tone in job postings that reflects the company’s innovative culture.

Engagement Optimization: Crafting postings that attract high-caliber candidates in a competitive market.

Efficiency: Streamlining the creation of multiple postings for different roles.

SEO Optimization: Ensuring job postings rank high on job search engines to maximize visibility.

Bias Mitigation: Preventing gender-coded language or biased requirements that could deter diverse applicants.

Technologies Used


Custom AI-Powered Job Posting Tool: Developed an AI tool for generating diverse and engaging job descriptions quickly.

Brand Aligned Postings: Each posting crafted to echo the company’s culture and values.

SEO-Enhanced Visibility: Job postings optimized for search engines, resulting in higher visibility.

Inclusivity in Postings: Language in job descriptions refined to attract a diverse applicant pool.

Efficient Posting Process: Reduced the time to create individualized and optimized job postings significantly.



Increased Applicant Pool: Broader and more qualified candidate applications received.

Enhanced Brand Representation: Job postings consistently conveyed the innovative edge of the company, enhancing the employer brand.

Improved Candidate Fit: Higher quality of hire with candidates that align with the company’s culture and skill requirements.

SEO Success: Job postings achieved higher search engine rankings, increasing the number and quality of applications.

Time Efficiency: Reduced time spent on creating postings by 60%, allowing HR to focus on strategic tasks.

Diversity Goals Met: Improved gender and cultural diversity in applicants due to neutral and inclusive language.

Head of Recruitment at the sports tech company
Implementing AI-driven job posting creation was a game-changer for our recruitment strategy. It not only streamlined our hiring process but also elevated the quality of applicants significantly. The targeted, inclusive, and engaging job descriptions resonated with the right candidates, helping us to fill critical roles efficiently. We’re now confident that as we grow, our hiring process is aligned with our innovative ethos, thanks to the expertise and support from the team.

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